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IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE (2008-2018)
IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE (2008-2018)
“Thanks for tuning in & please stop staring!”
watch. disrupt. reclaim.
Dienae Hunter, Director
William Crook, Performer
Sofia Dotta, Media Designer
Preston Thompson, Performer
Michael Tristano Jr., Performer
John Idalis, Collaborator
October 18th, 19th, and 20th, 2019
Hi, thanks for tuning in! Today, we’re talking about being watched, watching others, and how the ways that our non-normativity is perceived varies from medium to medium. Oh, you can’t hear- no, you can hear me but you can’t see- no? Hello?
This performance premiered as part of the Crumble Collection along side four phase I and phase II performances:
Friend me, Follow me, Say hello
The highlight reel, the letter to the audience, and the behind the scenes videos (to the right) were created by Abisai Alvarez and Shelli Witt
Graphic design (top left) by Molly W. Schenck
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