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IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE (2008-2018)

As part of Grey Box Collective's New Director Series in 2017 and 2018, 'Out of Hiding' explored challenges surrounding mental health and the difficulties of seeking and providing support. Digging into questions and experiences surrounding mental illness, this piece will uses movement and text to discover a brave space and shared language to explore questions and experiences of mental illness. Out of Hiding is ultimately about being seen, being known, and being caught by the grace of others. It is about finding our voice.
2017 ensemble: Directed by Anya Hernandez, Performers: Aleczandra Houston and Hannah Swim, Production: Ethan Mckeny.
2018 ensemble: Directed by Anya Hernandez, performed by James Olguin, Jisun Myung, Lauren Scott, and Muneera Batool.
film created by Tony Potts
film created by Maedeh Moayyednia
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